Inspire me – Chapter 01
January 9, 2010

All love affairs don’t last forever. All dreams don’t come true. But sometimes love finds a place for itself, and it lives and grows and becomes more than the mere mortals it surrounds. It becomes a dream. And dreams, like the spirits within them, can live forever – even through the darkness of our final storms.

Beginning with the end
January 9, 2010

This book is about more than just the storm that devastated Galveston in 1900. It’s about the storms that sweep into all of our lives blowing us away from the paths we thought we would follow and into the fateful arms of destiny. It is about fighting and letting go. It is about tragedy and triumph. But mostly it is about me. It is about one writer who has heard the word “no” too many times from editors and has decided to let her words live here.

So let the novel begin.